Nash County

Local Photos Wanted!


Nash County includes the following markets:

Cities, Towns and Municipalities:

Bailey, Castalia, Nashville, Red Oak, Rocky Mount, Spring Hope, Whitakers

Other Communities:

Battleboro, Gold Rock, Middlesex, Momeyer, Sharpsburg

Information About This Market


Nash County

County Seat



95,840 - 2010 US Census

Land Area

540.41 sq. mi.

USDA Climate/Hardiness Zone

7b (5 to 10 F)


Dick Jenkins

District Attorney

Robert Evans

Register of Deeds

Barbara Sasser

Clerk of Court

Rachel Joyner

County Manager

Bob Murphy

Sponsored Organizations

NC Cooperative Extension - Nash County

Charlie Tyson - County Extension Director


Nash County Government


Nash County Emergency Management


Nash County Sheriff's Department

Dick Jenkins - Nash County Sheriff